Everyone probably knows what happens if you don’t quarantine tuberculosis, which is why a long time ago (way back in 1802 or even 1777, when you look at real American history) laws were written to detain it.
…over the past year, the health department has repeatedly sought and been granted court orders compelling the woman to isolate and get treated for tuberculosis. According to the Tribune, legal petitions from the department said the patient had not abided by previous orders, and had at one point started but discontinued medication. […] Under Washington state law, public health officials have the legal authority to seek a court order when a person’s refusal to take medication poses a threat to the public. Tuberculosis can rise to that level because it can be deadly if left untreated, and infectious people risk spreading the disease further. The bacteria that causes tuberculosis can spread through the air when a person with an active case coughs, sneezes or speaks.
If you think tuberculosis is bad, you should read about seditious conspiracy, which spreads like weeds with intention to undermine democracy.

So I have to ask the obvious questions again: Why does Peter Thiel leave Nazism untreated, and did he create Palantir to spread it?