Well, does anyone really have any doubts now about Elon Musk being antisemitic?
First, read this 1936 book on why nobody ever should say some of their friends are Jews in response to accusations of antisemitism.

That phrase, it’s a dire warning. It’s a well known phrase of antisemitism associated with Nazi Germany.
Second, read this 2014 book for the update.

Still, to this day, we see a well known (and researched), unmistakable phrase of antisemitism.
Third, note the phrase chosen by the man increasingly becoming known for… his antisemitism.
“I’m aware of that old sort of trope of like, you know, ‘I have a Jewish friend,’” Musk said. “I don’t have a Jewish friend. I think probably, I have twice as many Jewish friends as non-Jewish friends. That’s why I think I like to think I’m Jewish basically.”
A twist.
He says he can avoid the trope, then plows straight into it by implying some of his best friends are Jews by hinting at having “numbers”. Then he clumsily erases his friends’ Jewish identities by claiming he is “basically” them, as if unclear (perhaps revealing his deeper thought “my best friends are me“).
This is evidence of the lazy and arrogant antisemite who doesn’t even try to avoid the most glaringly obvious mistakes of history.
Here’s how one youthful antisemite of the 1930s explained the common hypocricy in their entire family’s devotion to Nazism.
For as long as we could remember, the adults had lived in this contradictory way with complete unconcern. One was friendly with individual Jews whom one liked, just as one was friendly as a Protestant with individual Catholics. But while it occurred to nobody to be ideologically hostile to the Catholics, one was, utterly, to the Jews. In all this no one seemed to worry about the fact that they had no clear idea of who “the Jews” were.
Further reading:
- Twitter’s “X” Design Based on Nazi Swastika
- XoutHate
- Elon Musk’s antisemitism is a national security risk
- Top Antisemitism Official Places Blame on Elon Musk
- Antisemitic tweets surged 105% after Elon Musk took over
- … major and sustained spike in antisemitic posts on Twitter since the company’s takeover by Elon Musk….
- Elon Musk’s Anti-Semitism Was Inevitable
- Elon Musk Goes Full Antisemite
- Israel accuses Elon Musk of stoking antisemitism on Twitter
- Elon Musk tweets meme featuring Nazi imagery
- Elon Musk is the most dangerous antisemite in America
- …appealing to the anti-Semitic stereotype that Jewish people control the media…
- Antisemitic rants of Elon Musk’s grandfather
- Elon Musk’s Anti-Semitic, Apartheid-Loving Grandfather
Related: How racist is Elon Musk? The federal government is suing Elon Musk because of extensively documented racism.